News - May 2004

A Wet Weekend in Stratford (Excitement Nationals 1/2/3rd May)

Our debut for the 2004 season turned out to be a bit of a damp squib in more ways than one.........

For anyone that was at Avon Park I don't have to tell you about the unbelievable wet weather for almost all of the Bank Holiday weekend - unbelievable because, almost everywhere else in the country was basking in sunshine!

However one thing was proven - the new awning is waterproof!


No racing whatsoever the heavens opened and never relented.


The morning dawned not looking too good but, as the day went on the weather improved drastically and two qualifying sessions were run.

Unfortunately we missed the first qualifier as when we went to warm up the car - the starter failed - although we managed to fix it we missed our qualifying slot. We did however run in the 2nd (and last) session with a lack luster 6.9 with 2 dropped cylinders - however this was good enough for 3rd position setting up a duel with Doug Bond on Finals Day.

Monday (Finals Day)

The weather was again miserable and only cleared up around mid day allowing racing to commence at around 2pm - with the track curfew at 5pm it was going to be difficult to complete the meeting but everyone tried.

Our 1st round opponent Doug Bond had decided earlier that the weather would not improve and did not make the call. Our car had trouble keeping all the cylinders lit and I shut it down after a couple of hundred feet in an effort to gain more turn-around time to try and solve the problem. Unfortunately the curfew came into effect before the call for the Final which had pitted us against Rob Turner.


Our next outing will be at the Power Nationals - 12/13th June (Avon Park) where we will be testing in preparation for the next UK Championship round at Santa Pod

Race Photos Click Here

2004 National Championship Race Dates

May 1st, 2nd, 3rd Excitement Nationals Avon Park
June 26th, 27th Summer Nationals Santa Pod
August 28th, 29th, 30th Allstar Nationals Avon Park
October 2nd, 3rd National Finals Santa Pod


Links to “Old News”:-

Euro Finals 2002

Fall Nationals 2002

A very Testing time at Avon Park!

Main Event 2002

Euro Finals 2001

Super Series 4 - 2001

Cannonball 2001

"Lakes Meet" at El Mirage

The Swedish Experience

Bad Day at Avon Park May 2001

Main Event 2000 - Santa Pod - Our Best Ever -Then…...

Easter 2000 - Santa Pod - Our big day

Super Series 4 Race Report (August 99)

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The LA Racing Team is 100% completely self financed - we receive no financial assistance or free issue product / parts whatsoever (unfortunately!)