El Mirage Where have all the trees gone? After dropping off the crate we had a few days to kill and decided to go up to Las Vegas- but I had heard there was a Dry Lakes Meet on at El Mirage (which was sort of on the way) ...... now I have always said (to anyone that asked) that if I lived in the US I would probably be a Salt Lakes racer rather than a Drag Racer and now was my chance to find out what it was all about....................
First of all - be sure you get really good directions of how to get there ....... plenty of people wax lyrical about the "Lakes Meets" but they become strangely, very distant when you ask ..... "Where exactly is El Mirage" (my Rand McNally map just had this little blob miles away from any highway) ....... answers ranged from ...... it's just by the main road out of Palmdale, to ....... who's won the election? .......... Fortunately we received excellent directions from our good friend Roger McMartin .......... this place is remote ........... and make sure you are in a hire car (or something with at least 9" of ground clearance).......... the lake bed may be flat but the unmade desert roads getting there, are not!......
Youmay also get spurious advice like ................ get there as early as you can / the fast guys run early............ So we get up real early and arrive just as dawn is breaking .......... and ask a somewhat bemused lady setting up a coffee stall (who I am sure still thinks we were taking the p**s, when we said we came all the way from Barnsley to see the race), when does the racing start?......... "Oh it won't start till about 09:30" ....... Also the temperature/weather is not something to take seriously from the locals ........ on their advice we raided the Palmdale Wall Mart for wooly hats etc. ........... sure enough ..... at dawn it was -3C but by 09:00 it was a pleasant 60'F and in the 70's when racing was underway ...... Wow! ..... British summertime! ...........
The racing......... the thing to remember there is - there is no money involved whatsoever and I mean nothing ..... these guys do it because they love it ...... subsequently the technology/engineering can be .......... shall we say of varying standards ........ Rules (?) ..... to quote one racer ......... "just turn up with your car/bike ..... they will find a class for it ...... if there isn't one ....... they'll make one!" ........
There is a define purity about the "Lakes Meets" which I am sure is due in no small part to no money / crowd / sponsors / corporate hospitality etc. (thereby no egos) being involved ........ if you get a chance - go ... it's an experience!............. Links to “Old News”:-
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